Bird Dogs and Sharp-tails Field Day Saturday, August 17 – 8:30 a.m.
Come watch bird dogs and their trainers search for grouse on the Barrens. Join us at the Barrens Cabin at 8:30 a.m., …
Blueberries on the Barrens Picnic – Saturday July 20! Also – Scouting for Blueberries tomorrow July 13 at 9 a.m. at the Barrens Cabin!
Blueberries are ripe on the Namekagon Barrens! Come celebrate on Saturday, July 20 when the Friends of the Namekagon Barrens Wildlife Area …
STG viewing – Latest from NBWA Property Manager
Nancy Christel asked us to pass this along to you: " If people check on Monday, I typically open up some days …
New Mating Dance Video
New Blinds Available
Namekagon Barrens Wildlife Area property manager Nancy Christel asked us to pass along there are now some new openings for viewing blinds …
Joan Jacobowski, valued FNBWA Board Member, Passed Away
The Barrens lost a good friend and supporter last week. Joan Jacobowski was a current member of our Board and frequent presenter …
Sharp-tail viewing available in the Namekagon Barrens Wildlife Area
Here's the news from DNR Wildlife Biologist Nancy Christel: There are some blinds available for viewing Sunday and Tuesday this week, and …
Lots of Good News for the Barrens
Governor Evers vetoed Assembly Bill 512 Governor Evers upheld restrictions on pursing wildlife with dogs in the spring on public lands in …
New on Our Web Site
Here are a few new things you may want to take a look at: 2024 FNBWA Events Poster Join us for a …
Legislative alert – Wisconsin Assembly Bill 512 and Senate Bill 545 passed and move on to Governor for signature
Greetings Friends of the Namekagon Barrens Wildlife Area, I’m writing to let you know that two bills (Assembly Bill 512 and Senate …
The 2024 Viewing Blind Reservation Schedule is open on the Friends of the Namekagon Barrens Wildlife Area Website
Greetings Friends of the Barrens – want to watch the Sharp-tailed Grouse do their courtship dance this spring? Viewing blinds will be …
Legislation Alert-hearings this week on bills to allow hunting with dogs off-leash in spring in northern Wisconsin
Greetings Friends of the Namekagon Barrens Wildlife Area! I’m writing to let you know that two bills are coming up for public …
Barrens of the Northeast
Dave Peters When I was conducting research for “Sand and Fire,” a history of the Namekagon Barrens in northwestern Wisconsin, I came …
Wisconsin Legislators propose repeal of restrictions on dog use for hunting in the North
Two bills are currently proposed in the Wisconsin Senate and Assembly removing restrictions on hunting with dogs in spring in the "Northern …
Draft 10-Year Sharp-tailed Grouse Plan released for comment
The draft Department of Natural Resources Sharp-tailed Grouse Management Plan for 2023 to 2033 is available for review and comment.  Many thanks …
“Sand and Fire” – New Book about the Barrens!
Exciting news! Friends Board Member Dave Peters has written a wonderful book about the Namekagon Barrens titled “Sand and Fire.” Published by …
Viewing blinds are up and roads and parking areas are accessible
Sharp-tailed grouse viewing blinds are up at the dancing grounds (leks) in the Namekagon Barrens Wildlife Area. DNR staff and volunteer observed …
Announcing a New Book – Sand and Fire: Exploring a Rare Pine Barrens
Friends of the Namekagon Barrens Board member Dave Peters has written about about the Barrens! It’s soon to be released by the …
4/4/23 Update -Too much snow to get to the Barrens!
As of 4/3/2023, there is still approximately 20 inches of snow in the Namekagon Barrens Wildlife Area. Access is impossible to much …
How to get to the Sharp-tailed Grouse Viewing Blinds in Early April 2023
From DNR Wildlife Biologist Nancy Christel As of March 14, there are still 25 inches of snow. Weather permitting, we will do …