A Great Morning with Dogs and Birds!
August 18, 2022
A few folks met at the cabin for our last field day of the season, which we call “Sharp-tails and Bird Dogs.” We were treated to watching Board Member Allen Nelson’s Gordon Setter named Jasper run effortless and enthusiastic circles through the North Unit. Jasper put up 10 birds for us to see! We also flushed one ourselves when walking back to our cars. Jasper runs so fast it’s hard to even get a photo of him! There are a few straggler blueberries left, and lots of blazing star in bloom. There were beautiful patches of bearberry with lovely red berries hidden beneath the waxy green leaves. The rain held off so we could enjoy a delightful morning in the Barrens. Many thanks to Allen and Jasper, and to our friends that attended.

The photo on the far right has a grouse coming at the camera (above Jasper on the horizon line). Photos by Kathy Bartilson and Allen Nelson.