2015 FNBWA Annual Membership Meeting
Friends of the Namekagon Barrens Wildlife Area met for its annual membership meeting on June 20, 2015.

All great north woods meetings begin with brats, beans, beer, and conversation. Thanks to Vern Drake for providing such a great start.

Mark Nupen, our President welcomed the group and introduced our speakers.

Nancy Christel (WI DNR) caught us up on the great progress being made on DNR management activities to restore the barrens, such as treating invasive species and conducting controlled burns.

Robert Hanson (WI DNR) updated us on the massive efforts underway to connect the scattered openings of the Northwest Sands pine barrens via a managed corridor to reduce the negative impacts of population isolation.
We recognized Bruce Pankratz for his great and tireless work to put FNBWA on the internet and connect us to social media.

Jerry McAllister won the raffle for a framed Louis Raymer print.