150 yr old Bridge site

Hello all, last April some of us from FNBWA took a walk from the south unit of the NMBWA up to the boot end of the Namekagon River and found a site of an old settlers bridge apparently built by the government before railroads were available for transportation in the area. You could wade, ride or take a raft across the Namekagon River but not a bridge. Brian Finstad who is from the Solon Springs area is quite interested in this history and came to us to help look for this bridge site and support the history of the early roads.
Wow, we found it on our second try. First try in 2016 failed but not this time.
In fact it is remarkable that even the old bridge abutments are still there on both sides.  IMG_1558.jpg

We hope in next year to do monthly regular nature walks out on the Namekagon Barrens to witness the beauty that is there.  In this case the beauty was Man Made but nonetheless rather remarkable and that is the whole idea.

We will let you know when our tours start next spring.  Stay tuned

Mark Nupen, President FNBWA

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